Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Something You Should Know..

Hello everyone !! Anyway there is something you should know, if you read the post before this, Kean Lee said everyone will be granted the status admin. Just wanted to say after discussing with Kean Lee, we decided to limit the number of admins to 3 person; Kean Lee, Ken Hui and me...for now.

Now, now don't be so quick to judge. The reason we are doing this is because we're afraid if everyone is an admin, some people with ill-intentions (not that i'm saying there are people like this, just think of it as a safety assumption) might delete or edit other people's post. So to avoid that, we decided to grant authors the admin status when we know they are:

1. Dedicated to contributing to this blog. (when i say dedicated i mean really post often, like maybe once every month?)
2. Trustworthy. (As in don't go editing everything by yourself, ask permission first cause this blog is shared)

Anyway, i think i'll keep this post short, i know some people don't like long post =.=
But please people, do post something once in a while, even a short post from you is greatly appreciated. =)

Right now, i'm too hungry to blog about myself. Seriously, its 1 am right now, just finished the last pack of maggie mee and i'm still hungry T.T I'll probably blog about myself...tomorrow..maybe, no promises..

If I do post something its gonna be full of ramblings haha, anyway ta ta for now ~
<<Hui Leng>>

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