Wednesday, March 26, 2008

First Move

Since I have nothing better else to do, I'll be the first to blog about my post-SPM life. I just hope the rest of you would find the time to blog too, I'm very curious to know what you guys have been up to. (yeah go ahead and call me a busybody XD)

WARNING : The text below may contain spelling and grammar mistakes, poor vocabulary and mild profanities.

Anyway after SPM around mid-December 2007, I took a part time job in a shop called Art Attack in One U. (ugh, got goosebumps and shivers down my back just from typing the shop's name) I worked till 15 March 2008 then I quit. Yeah, sure got alot of experience, most of them are bad, but there are still good ones. Perhaps I will go into more detail about my time working there in another post, cause there sure are plenty of things to write about this topic.

Currently, I'm not taking any course in any college. That's because I'm planning on going Form 6 which starts somewhere mid-May to June.(explains why i have so much free time) I've got people telling me :
Why Form 6 ? Very hard lah, some more waste of time oni. Why dun wan go A levels or SAM ?

I have my reasons why I plan on going to Form 6 :

1. I'm not filthy rich, Form 6 is funded by the government.
- I don't think i need to elaborate why i couldn't afford to go to a private instituition. Although some of you might argue that I can get scholarship. But even if I can secure one, then what about
the courses that comes after pre-U ? If you're talking about JPA scholarship, my chances of nagging that is somewhere between zero to not-in-your-next-life, cause of my lousy koku marks =p aha...My parents want me to go to public university, which means I have to go through Form 6.

2. I'm still unsure of my path.
-Form 6 might sound like a waste of time for you, but to me, i need this 1.5 years to figure out what I plan to do in the future. I don't want to dive into a private pre-U course where I'm still unsure which direction i'm going. A foolish person starts out life in many directions, but a wise person carefully choose which way he wants to go in life. I'm thinking of doing medicine, but even so I'm still doubtful, and perhaps Form 6 can shed some light on it. For those who said STPM is really tough, then I want to let them know, if I still have the drive to pursure medicine, STPM is considered a piece of cake. I don't want to be in the situation where being halfway through the medicine course I quit because i simply can't cope, thus emphasizing i want to go through Form 6 just to be sure.

3. I'm an unindependant spoiled brat.
- Aha, what does that got to do with Form 6 ? Well, aside from Form 6, the other alternatives to go to public uni are local matriculation or foundation. However, in order to do local matriculation, you have to attend special colleges which is not found in Selangor at all. Then there is the one year pre-med foundation where UTAR is offering and once again, its in Perak...i think...but its definately not in Selangor. In a way I'm a spoiled brat because i refuse to leave the comforts of my home HA!! least not till I'm sure I can take care of myself XP.

Yeah so that's what is going through my head when I chose to go Form 6. If my way of thinking doesn't make sense to you then please leave a comment and let me know, i'll be glad to explain it to you, maybe its cause i left out a few things or didn't explain it clearer.

Anyway so while waiting for school to start, everyday I just sit at home either in front of the computer or the television. Very laid-back haha. I'll be taking my driving lessons in April.
Speaking of driving, one of my cousin had an accident on the highway. Apparently he was trying to avoid a motorcycle and crashed into the divider
=.= Major car-wreck, he's fine though. My mom suspected he was speeding, because if he was driving safely, he would have time to break and avoid collision.

I confronted my cousin and asked whether he was speeding or not. He admitted to me he was speeding. His reason ? : >

Robin (yeah that's his name) : If a guy drives safe and slow he'll be called a wuss, a man is only
macho if he speeds and shows off his skillz yo. Your a girl you
won't understand.

My advice : >

Me : Dude, your behaviour is unacceptable. This ain't your first accident, obviously that's saying
you got no skillz. Think of your parents man, their already forking out plenty of cash to
repair the car. Besides if you keep this up, you'll bound to get hurt. Who knows,in the next
accident, you'll probably crush your balls and lose all your machoness in an instant.

In conclusion, don't speed on highways, alright people ? Perhaps our country need to implement this :

Sorry if i ramble too much, thats all for now ~peace out~

-Hui Leng-

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