Thursday, August 7, 2008
Because I'm soo free
Yesterday I checked Wikipedia and it said its gross revenue (worldwide) is $602 million. My eyes widened.
Today I got there to get that picture above, and the site says its gross revenue (worldwide) is $609 million. I made an appointment for an eye surgery.
You really should watch it. Never in my life after watching so many movies have I seen such a good actor as Heath Ledger. I must admit his looks as The Joker isn't very appealing but I guess that $6xx million really means that this show really isn't some slapstick.
Inclusive of annoying advertorials (such as from Baskin Robbins and that X-Pax crap) and movie trailers at the beginning, the whole movie lasts about 3 hours. I say your $10 is very wisely spent for a 3 hour-long movie.
NEXT of course would be:
I hear this movie isn't much of talking. Release date is on the 14th of August. No comments about this movie, unless you're interested to know what Hui Leng commented about this: "i wanna watch wall-e so cute lol"
To sum up everthing, I've got to add that I'm gay (not homosexual, you pervert), but I am not a gay.
But Christian Bale really got hot bod leh...
... but he really looks better in The Dark Knight.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Form 6 Pictures
Taken before Majlis Anugerah Cemerlang. We were part of the traditional chinese fan dance performance. The girl behind me is Maddie(aka gummy guinea pig), Jun Mei the prefect, next to me is Grace(aka Blueberry). I got the nickname Hamtaro....wth lol.
Me being me as usual.
Me and Grace, taken the day Domino Pizza came to our school to host the Rodeo Road Safety. The entire thing was a snore fest, but we all came for the free pizza lol.
The guys doing 'lala' poses after chowing down the pizzas. From the left:-
Sean(aka tai kor), Chester(aka chesnut, lol his pose is the funniest man), Julian Gan(aka King Julian), Jeremy(Class Magician), Yin Soon(aka turnip hair), Roy(ninja-in-training), Ivan(aka hardcore blue film fan =p), Nigel(aka The Queen), Kim Yoong(aka The Princess/Kimmy)
What we did for chem lesson. Different types of crystal lattic structure.
Ivan, Grace, Me, and Nigel. Notice the date on the photo. I call this the 'stall Hui Leng outside while the class prepares to surprise her on her birthday' plan.
Tadaa~, they wanted to smash the cake on face. Thank goodness they didn't.
Enter Pik Kei(aka Big Gay/KL Drifter), the girl cutting the cake.
Nigel, Julian Anthony Theseira(aka JT/Mother Teresa), Pik Kei.
Sean, Komathi, Me, Grace, and Gaya.This was only taken yesterday. We were at HELP college participating in the Law Olympiad. 10 of us from our class joined.(total students in my class is 17, pretty much 2/3 of the class went.) More than 225 students in total in the competition.My team : Grace, Nigel, Theseira, Yin Soon, and me. In the end we didn't make top three.(explains the stupid face im making) Ouch.
Went to 1u to have a losers' celebration. Wanted to watch Dark Knight, but tickets were sold out, double ouch. So we just went to McD's
Roy, Grace and Nigel.
Theseira and Nigel( The Queen : Off with your head!!)
Grace and Pik Kei.
Yin Soon and Nigel. I seriously don't know what they are doing.
Princess and the Queen.
Pik Kei, Nigel, Kim, and Julian.
After that went lepaking around 1u. This shot is called Backstreet Boys + 1 Pik Kei.
From front to back: jeremy, yin soon, roy, nigel, and grace. I just had to ruin the picture lol.
Perfect photo to end a not-so-perfect but fun-filled day. XD
Friday, June 27, 2008
Uncle Bala
Found it. Click here.
His email, apparently also started in that (impersonated) profile of his, is
Found this just moments ago:
Uncle Bala Speaks
Video description: See Uncle Bala, SMKDJ's warden speaking. I dare anyone who can completely understand him and come up with a better translation!
Gotta love his dancing.
Unfortunately, never got to see him dance even once in my 5 years in DJ.
... have you??
Friday, June 20, 2008
new a really long time
well, if anyone would care to know, I'm inching my way closer to the end of my first sem in IACT. It's been a fun 6 months and I'm eager to start the next sem. If anyone would like to hire a part-time graphic designer that has barely any experience please do call me...
yeah, if you would.
*ponders on what to write*
weeeelll...there's this thing about my assignments. I'm really having fun with it, especially Computer Graphics assignments...major fun. Not being sarcastic. And not being sarcastic about being sarcastic either. KL asked me to post some up on this blog, but I'm too kind to make you guys suffer. However, I am proud of my work, and I'll post them up on my blog as soon as I can.
So, with that said, cheerios!!!
Random quote: 'Only when the tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realise that we cannot eat money'
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Off to Matriculation...
p/s i know this is random post but just tellin everyone that im off from here =)
Monday, May 19, 2008
Beijing We Are Ready~
If u've not heard this song, then pls.. Just listen to it. It's the songs you are going to hear times over times in the future when u see where ever Beijing olympic events. hahaha. Its not AI finals or wat. One word for this video. its a song actually. VERY FILLED WIT INSPIRATION. just too powerful. If u dun understand chinese.. there are only 3 words in the song u understand i guess? ahhaha. It really caught my attention. cause this song is sang by only few top china singers. Really talented i would say. Some of them la.the high pitch. omg. ANd IGNORE The 1st minute of boring starting. hahaa. Listen the whole thing and feel BE MOVED. muaahha. thanks!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
I neeed time!! DONATE!!!
p/s how have everyone been doing? hope you ppl have fun in uni =) im so goin to rock utar. well since no one of u is there. lol
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Friday, May 9, 2008
A little story of a Very Strange Teacher
This week's Tuesday, he told the entire class something.
Mr Eric: ... so your EE2 exam will be on the 26th of May.
Class: WHAT?!! So fast?!
Mr Eric: What so fast? We've got to catch up with the time table...
Mr Eric: ... so you can watch Indiana Jones the day before, then come and take the exam.
And just yesterday, which was a Thursday...
Some students: Teacher, you watch Iron Man adi ah?
Mr Eric: *smiles* Watch adi.
Some students: Wah!! Nice ah?
Mr Eric: I just like the lab part only.
Me, quietly whispering to myself: WTH?!
And back a few months ago:
Mr Eric: Your exam is next Monday...
Mr Eric: ... and after this, I'm going to watch 10,000 BC.
Class: Teacher!! That show not nice one!!
Mr Eric: Not nice ah??
I should have known it earlier. I laughed so hard (until my friend thought I went cuckoo) when I finally realised that Mr Eric's a movie maniac. He literally knows all the latest movies, sees them first even before we even bought the tickets, and even know's when's the release date for the movie!!
You tell me scary ornot?
I say he very sian loh.
And I also realised he enjoys integrating movies with exams.
And I got a measly 20/50 for my calculus exam.
I hate calculus. :(
PS. I'm really considering to sought his consultation hours to ask about which is the best movie to watch next. Heh.
Aiesec is definitely more 'pro' than leo club or wtv.its not because of its international thing, but what they do in Aiesec.It's professional i would say. well juz one conference i attended is enough to impact me to start an Aiesec in UTAR. yea this is all u need to know. SOrry if i post this so randomly. But its so eye opening that i think everyone should know =) cheers.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
class outing, anyone?
I've been sorta discussing with the admins and other ppl...and we're sorta planning for a class outing.
Place, date, time and other details are still in discussion, but suggestions are welcomed.
Now, anyone who's interested, please leave a comment or something so that we can plan the details as we want to accomodate everyone's best interests.
It wouldn't do anyone much good if we set a date that everyone will be busy on, will it?
So please, if you're interested, please tell us when you can make it (weekends?)and when will you be busy (days near assignment deadlines, or exam week, for example).
And it wouldn't be like...a trip to Redang Island or anything...just a simple day outing to catch up with friends and stuff.
And please, if you're going to join us, do tell us if you plan to break off the group sometime during the outing, as plans will be made with the idea that everyone is joining (buying cinema tickets, choosing restaurants to eat at, etc)
Details and updates will be posted here, so please check often. The outing will most probably either held on this month or in june.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Since Hui Leng has been bugging me to blog about something about myself, so today, I'm going to show you just a little something I do in college
And I don't know why I'm writing this at 1.05am.
I do calculus. *click to enlarge*
Being a diligent boy I am, I hardworkingly copied down what teacher wrote on the board :)
I dunno if this is the way calculus should be, but the teacher speaks English, but all I could understand is he saying, "If X equals..." and "If Y equals...". Other than that, I think he's chanting formulae after formulae from the formulae sheet.
In every class I attend, he would be chanting some if X equals then Y equals and my hand would be copying what he wrote on the board, while I think of what to have for lunch after class. I can multitask. This is one skill I learnt while doing calculus :D!
Well, in the case that if he happens to walk pass by me, I would then crease my forehead, pretending to be in deep concentration. I dunno how it happened, but I managed to solve a question on my own
Like every other subject, Calculus has its good and bad points.
Good point: The teacher doesn't ask check or ask me to hand-in my uncompleted work.
Bad point: The teacher doesn't ask check or ask me to hand-in my uncompleted work.
I love calculus. :)
Monday, April 28, 2008
A Touching Article
Learning to become a doctor
A third-year medical student reflects on a life-changing emotional experience
Dreams and reality are often very different things. As a medical student I imagined myself one day taking on the role of a gallant knight, a protector and safekeeper of the sacred flame of life, creating miracles and wonderfully healing the sick. I wanted to make a difference and save lives. A road accident during the summer holidays gave me a chance to live my dream - but it was very different from what I had imagined. This piece reflects on my experience, and on how a brush with real medicine has changed me as a third-year medical student at Monash University.
The smashed machine was the first sight I encountered. A once fast, shiny road-bike now lay on the ground, a metal carcass. I remember running towards it, scared. Next to it a body lay still.I had seen dead bodies before; cadavers allow us to release anatomical knowledge with the stroke of a blade; they are the ultimate learning tools. But what confronted me was no practical class - this was very real. I looked at the woman lying there. She was young, about my own age of 20, still with P-plates on her bike. It could have been one of my friends lying there. She was dressed up, perhaps coming home from a club somewhere, with makeup and nail polish delicately applied - real human qualities that gave a glimpse into a life that, only minutes earlier, was full.Draped over the top of a young human was viciously snapped; blood and vomitus overflowed from her throat onto her chest; her arm was destroyed. I knelt down beside her.
It was as if I was looking through her. I looked into her eyes but, quite simply, no one was there. Despite the horror of the scene, she looked almost peaceful. Was she just unconscious? Could there be a flicker of life still inside her? Was this my chance to save a life, to make a difference? What happened next was bizarre. I became machine-like, visualising a giant first-aid flowchart in my mind's eye, and began to apply my medical knowledge. Yet again the theory did not match the reality. My only previous attempt at resuscitation had been on a mannequin with a plastic torso and head. This woman had real lungs and a real heart. I turned her on her side and tried to unblock her airway; I had no gloves. Using a mouth-to-mouth protective device that I carry on my keyring, i tried to shield my hands as I attempted to scoop blood and vomitus out of her mouth. I then tried to give her air: "5 breaths in 10 seconds, and watch the chest rise", my training had taught me. But her chest did not rise. At first I got angry and blamed it on the device I was using, but then I realised her entire airway was obstructed. I searched for a carotid and radial pulse but found neither - the beat of life had stopped. I tried cardiopulmonary resuscitation but she wasn't responding - it wasn't supposed to be like this. Yet I continued until I felt a gentle tap on my left shoulder. It was one of the ambulance officers - I had missed their dramatic arrival, hearing my own thoughts and deaf to everything else. Never before had my mind been so clear or sharp. My adrenalin level was so high that it took tactile stimulation to reawaken me to my surroundings - a feeling I still never forget.
Despite efforts by the ambulance officers, the girl was pronounced dead at the scene.
It was in the day that followed, spending time with my general practitioner, that I began to learn a little about what being a doctor really means. I came to him upset that someone had died, upset at how horrific it was, upset that I had failed, upset that I had done something that may have exposed me to to HIV, hepatitis B or hepatitis C infection, even upset that the damn thing was upsetting me! He sat and listened. Being able to speak to someone who had witnessed similar trauma was amazingly comforting. He told me that the three hardest things to cope with in medicine are death itself, the death of someone young, and the death of someone under your care. I had copped all three "right between the eyes", at a time when I hadn't the experience or the training to know how to respond or feel.
My GP had no magic pills or portions to rid me of the churning inside me. Nor did he need them - all I wanted was for him to understand what I was feeling. I was given an insight into what caring for someone really means. He reassured me that people don't expect doctors to be miracle workers - all a family really wants in this type of situation is for a doctor to "be there and to care". My GP suggested that I attend the funeral service if I felt comfortable doing so. He believed it would give me a sense of closure and that it would help me to be around others with similar feelings. I sat with him in his office after all his patients had gone home, looking through the newspapers for the funeral details.
I sat through the service and listened to the account of a life I knew nothing about. I looked around at the web of friends and family she had interwoven. I was now a part of that web - she had touched me too. At the conclusion I introduced myself to her father, and told him that his daughter did not die alone, that I was there caring for her. I told him that the last few days had taught me more about caring for people, and about being a doctor, than I had learned in all my days at medical school. I told him that I was there for him and his family. With that, the tall, lanky man hugged me tightly, crying and thanking me for being there, for stopping and bothering to care. It was devastatingly sad, yet enormously relieving, and I was proud. He wanted to care for me and to share his feelings with me, something I had not expected. The simple knowledge that their daughter did not die alone was comforting to the family. They knew that if there had been a chance for her, I was there to give her that chance.
I am starting to understand what being a doctor is about. To really care for someone connects people in such a wonderful way that it can even make death seem a little less scary. Sometimes just being there can make all the difference.
Ryan J Hodges
Third-year medical student
Monash University, Melbourne.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
assignments, assignments, assignments...
Which is pretty much the reason why I've been MIA from the internet society, I've had TONS of assignments these past few weeks, as well as deadlines for a lot of big assignments. Even as I speak, part of my brain is thinking about the survey that I'm about to conduct later...headache betullah...
Right now I have...survey, advertising campaign, photoshop, two designs to create, and a brochure design. ISSSSHHH...
Photoshop's going great, I'm in the middle of designing a LOTR poster, kinda hard since I can't find the pictures that I want, and I still have to figure out how to make the heel of high-heel shoes look like skin (I've tried a few methods, but they seemed really fake). UGH. But then again, it's really fun to do, a bit frustrating at times, but still fun. I merged my hand with my feet, and I'm pretty please with the results, I'll see whether I can post it up (I'm REALLY proud of it). that's basically it lah. Nothing much to say edi...
Friday, April 18, 2008
What A Pain in The Neck..
Even now as i'm typing this, my head is tilted to the left side..i can't even straighten it or tilt it to the right side...celakanya...i must look like some retard T.T
K lar i'm done venting here..wanna go find a packet of ice for my neck edi T.T All this happened on Abi's birthday...i wonder maybe she wished for it D:
Thursday, April 17, 2008
i was bored
meh did the speed test i found on gene harn's blog..haha..btw im not comparing or anything..i just took it cuz i was bored..anyway i think its whacked cause i don't think i type dat fast..dat speed is just inhuman..
think dat's all, nothing much happened today, except one guy nearly crash into me during driving lesson -.-'' he got yelled at by his instructor and the instructor told me that guy has no brains behind his back.. hrmm..i wonder what does my instructor think of me..probably someone who has no sense of direction on the road T.T dat's me alright..i have doubts of me passing the driving test haha..
And lotto number touched 1126 pageviews!! Wow... I really didn't expect the number to increase so fast!!
And now, joke time.
One Chinese person walks into a bar in America late one night and he saw Steven Spielberg. As he was a great fan of his movies, he rushes over to him, and asks for his autograph.
Instead, Spielberg gives him a slap and says "You Chinese people bombed our Pearl Harbor, get out of here."
The astonished Chinese man replied "It was not the Chinese who bombed your Pearl Harbor , it was the Japanese".
"Chinese, Japanese, Taiwanese, you're all the same," replied Spielberg.
In return, the Chinese gives Spielberg a slap and says "You sank the Titanic; my forefathers were on that ship."
Shocked, Spielberg replies "It was the iceberg that sank the ship, not me."
The Chinese replies, "Iceberg, Spielberg, Carlsberg, you're all the same."
Ted is 7-yr old n he's very bad in essay writing.
One day the teacher asked the class to write a 500-word essay base on any title they like. Ted thought real hard n finally he started his essay:
Titled: Composition - my lost cat
One day i lost my kitty, i went out to the street n started calling:
kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty..." but she never comes back, that's how i lost my cat.
(510 words)
Lucky frog
A man takes the day off work and decides to go out golfing. He is on the second hole when he notices a frog sitting next to the green. He thinks nothing of it and is about to shoot when he hears,"Ribbit. 9 Iron" The man looks around and doesn't see anyone. "Ribbit. 9 Iron." He looks at the frog
and decides to prove the frog wrong, puts his other club away, and grabs a 9 iron. Boom! He hits it 10 inches from the cup. He is shocked. He says to the frog, "Wow, that's amazing. You must be a lucky frog, eh?"
The frog reply's "Ribbit. Lucky frog." The man decides
to take the frog with him to the next hole. "What do you think frog?" the man asks. "Ribbit. 3 Wood." The guy takes out a 3 Wood and Boom! Hole in one. The man is befuddled and doesn't know what to say. By the end of the day, the man golfed the best game of golf in his life and asks the frog,"OK, where to next?" The frog replied, "Ribbit. Las Vegas." They go to Las Vegas and the guy says, "OK frog, now what?" The frog
says,"Ribbit Roulette." Upon approaching the roulette table, the man asks," What do you think I should bet?" The frog replies, "Ribbit. $3000, black 6." Now, this is a million-to-one shot to win, but after the golf game, the man figures what the heck. Boom! Tons of cash comes sliding back across the table. The man takes his winnings and buys the best room in the hotel. He sits the frog down and says, "Frog, I don't
know how to repay you. You've won me all this money and I am forever grateful."
The frog replies, "Ribbit, Kiss Me." He figures why not, since after all the frog did for him he deserves it. With a kiss, the frog turns into a gorgeous 15-year-old girl.
"And that, your honor, is how the girl ended up in my room."
Enough for today!!
Have a nice day!!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Beautiful Illusion
~Beautiful Illusion~
yea (A) gonna drive him so crazy~ (B) (C)
.Verse 2
(Em) what is (D) life to him (C)? gonna think (D) it over!
(C) but as he opened his eyes,
(D) and as he shared out his heart,
(Em) and as he open his arms,
(C) he realized that it was just a dream~
Alrite, wat u gotta know about this song!!! Yi Ming saw the lyrics and came out to me tellin me she's so lost... =.= guess im gonna explain it.. this song has double image lyrics btw.Meaning if you see the verses part all the scenery thingy... im not describing it but there's a theme of loneliness behind it. wait till u read till Chorus u will realize it..
Alrite i shall go one by one.. verse one... This guy was a lone ranger.. the night suppose to be the busy time chatting around.. but that night seemed to be quiet because he had no topic to talk wit anyone and this forced him to be silent? then talking about shadow.When anyone knows that he's walking with his shadow, it's a resemblens of loneliness? And he doesnt mind admitting it. But he was scared too and started questioned himself...
Verse two.It's always known that friends step into our lives and left their footprints/memories there. But friends had step out of his life and the footprints were fading away.and then he look into himself, his personality.. asking himself questions about what he had done wrongly..
But sooner the chorus reveals the true meaning of the song la... sayin loneliness and why... that guy goin around ask all.. but then in the bridge... this guy was just thinking too much. He had lotz of frenz, just that he thought it the other way. If you read my blog.. there's one post about loneliness... i think last two weeks i just posted. exactly the same meaning as it. .
and if i want to, i can end this song with the beginning of "Friends for life" my first song x) first of all, the themes link. and it's a nice build up duet song~ =)
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Hokkien Star Wars and LOTR
Hihi, since it's been a bitsy quiet around here...i decided to do my job and guessed it...MORE VIDEOS!!
first up is this...sorry but it's in Hokkien
and another...this is in Hokkien as well, but it has subtitles. ENJOY!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
TAI KEN HUI (Monday, 14th April)
ABIGAIL HO SEOW PENG (Friday, 18th April)
A wish to a friend
-warm BIG cheesy hugs from all of us-
Thursday, April 3, 2008
What I Do in IACT...
among many videos-that-have-no-direct-relevance-to-advertising.
Such as Achmed.
Now...being in IACT is MORE about that. In my case, I have Principles of Drawing, Computer Application, Computer Graphics, Advertising Principles, Presentation Skills and Research Methods classes. The most-likely-to-be-given-homework classes are...PoD, CA, CG while most-likely-to-be-given-extremely-hard-homework-that-will-cause-infequent-sleeping-habits are AP, PS and RM. And that's not all. 1/4 of an average IACT day also involves regular group discussions about where and what to eat during breaktimes aka 2nd breakfast, late breakfast, 2nd lunch or late lunch. Decisions are made by majority voters, which are in turn influenced by the size of our current wallets/pockets, time taken to walk, order, eat and finally walk back, and of course, whether most of us are sick of said restaurant.
The rest of it involves some naps, drawing silly stuff on subject notes, drawing temporary tattoos, arguments with evil lecturers about the size of our homeworks, and of course, the random rubber band and paper bullets shootout. And ads. Lots of ads. Funny ads, lame ads, WOAHHHHH ads, and ads that just make you go '...? What was that? I dungeddit...' aka stupid ads that makes me wonder why advertisers even bother.
And...that's about it. Here's some ads that were kinda cool. And guess what? They're Malaysian. Don't think that all M ads suck. They don't.
It's about the Malaysian Wushu Tournament.
Ahh...Petronas ads alwayss crack me up.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Go to the web, click on animation, and click any one of the 'Boomba Episode'
KK, gtgs, and btw, I just passed my driving for those who wants to know, and you can read it here, because I'm too lazy to type it out all over again.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Simple-to-follow House Rules
*Rules revised on Monday 31/03/08, to paraphrase the confusion stirred up in some sentences*
Accused: Hmm… I would like a hamburger please.
Judge: Not that order -.-ll
This is going to be a grandmother story nag-nag-nag post, again.
But I think, as this class blog progress, we would occasionally stumble upon some annoyances. And because of that, we’ve got to get some facts straight and clear in the very beginning, so hopefully, we wouldn’t have any conflicts in the future. Thus, the admins have decided upon a few simple house rules for all to follow (including admins).
Rule 1: No attacking each other.
Please don’t attack each other. We’ve been classmates for the past two years already. Surely you wouldn’t want to see the friendship that was formed in two years just break apart just like that. Besides, this blog exists for the reason to bring everyone together.
Rule 2: No religion/faith beliefs promoting / No attacking others’ faith.
This rule goes without saying.
Please don’t promote your religion and faiths here. If you wish to do so, please do it somewhere else.
Also, you won’t want to be annoyed by the caustic comments (negative religious comments, as for this matter) thrown by someone else. So, please don’t fling insults about others’ beliefs.
Rule 3: No promoting.
This blog serves the purpose for all to blog about the latest events and going-on’s in our personal life / class outings.
In short, you’re not allowed to write up on anything that is for your personal gain.
At most, you may only include a SMALL link that links to your own personal website if you want to promote it.
Rule 4: Rules subjected to change from time to time.
Like your genes are subject to mutation that it somehow mutated to a Y chromosome (then you turn to a male, from a female)… so as this applies to the rules. Rules are subjected to changes from time to time depending on varying factors. I needn’t be scientific here on the factors.
So, there it is. Simple house-rules. If you have any comments/suggestions, then please leave a message after the beep tone in this post or alternatively, you could message me here
Hope you all have a nice day!!
What I do in IACT
*turn up volume for full effect*
I'm not promoting anything here mind you. Just giving a hint of what lectures mostly consists of.
If the quality doesn't turn out nice, just click menu and the vid's URL will be there. You can copy and paste the URL to watch on another window.
Will post more!!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Mission Impossible Conference 2008
Date : 1-4 May 2008
Venue : Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang
Fee: RM78 (include food and accomodation)
If you are...
18 - 25 years old !!!
interested in knowing more about HIV/AIDS!!!
interested in meeting friends from different universities and colleges in Malaysia!!!
wanting to develop your soft skills!!!
curious about people who are living with HIV/AIDS!!!
hoping to talk with people who live with it and hear their stories!!!
interested in travelling abroad to other countries!!!
If you fullfill any criteria above...
You are eligible to join our MISSION POSSIBLE CONFERENCE!!!
Will be posting more about the updates soon.
Just stay tuned!!!
*** alrite this is an event organize by my sister in UPM.. through Aiesec.. Well im not asking you peepz to go for this conference juz bcause she's my sister blablabla... but i can certainly tell you this is more than a HIV thing.. dun get fooled by the title! Although it's open to 18 above only and you can expect some stuf goin on in there.. but! let me tell you wat u benefit from it~
This is more than a HIV awareness thing. It's Conference. Meaning you get the opportunity to get contacts with different ppl all over Malaysia and get internship too! and it's just Rm78 for 3 nights! goodness! and so many wonderful gifts. just click the banner to see la! Im GOING for sure! EVen though No one going. Well, I would say it's also another Leadership Training Camp. So Hope To see You Peepz there alrite!
The Conference Website..
Sorry lazy to colour up those words cause im rushing to bed now.. tml 5 gotta wake up for KL marathon!! woohoo! wish me best! see ya!
Friday, March 28, 2008
random blog
Not sure how many of you would get it though. case you're college gang found it when we were KPC clicking the files on one of the college computer desktop. Mind you, the computer was used just for presentations and audio/visuals. I have no idea what it was doing there.
Greetings from the one...the only...KENNYYYYY....
Muahaha. But PLEASE...if you wanna call me by that name...PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't tarnish the name by getting all cutsy and saying it in the 'manja' way. It sounds awful, OK? Just say it how they say Kenny in the Kenny Rogers Roasters ad or something. Or say it with a British accent.
And so. Apparently...I'm the only admin who hasn't blogged anything yet.
Very sorry. I was busy.
That means having your schedule filled up so much that you can't even fit a needle into it. lah...just kidding...hehehe...
Chill people, I'm not that cold, even though you may think otherwise...
Well I guess my excuse for not blogging was that there was a few school projects that emerged 'bagai cendawan tumbuh selepas hujan'. All coming towards me at once like a herd of bulls that saw a red cloth.
And the red cloth is me. Pitiful much?
NOT AT ALL!!! I'm having one heck of a time (except for a mosquito bugging me right now)The homeworks are so COOOOOL. Not like those boring writing work we have to do back in school *shudders*. Seriously, they're freaking awesome. Very...practical so to speak. Come on people...even the name is interesting enough to catch your attention. DIPLOMA IN GRAPHIC DESIGN *angels singing* (and if the angels don't sing, you are one heck of a moody person)
Fine, fine...I can hear people shouting 'GET DONE BLOGGING ALREADY!!!'.
Or maybe it's just my brain, telling me that thunder's coming and that I'll hve to be offline soon and I should use the remaining time I have to finish reading the Episode 395 of Naruto.
Well then...TTFN
PS...for the those who wanna hear me blab about my school life here...just leave your comments...
For those who don't...*sob* YOU'RE EVIL!!!*cries*
To irritate...or to decide.
Dead Fantasy
Here's part one :
Ahaha, cool or not ? But haihz, team FF got beaten real badly in this part, I'm a big fan of the FF series, didn't play DOA that much though. Anyway mayb i should point out who's who.
Order of appearance:
Yuna(gunner) - Final Fantasy X-2
Kasumi(ninja) - DOA
Ayame?(forgot her name, but she's the girl in purple) - DOA
Rikku(blonde haired girl with double red blades) - Final Fantasy X-2
Girl in jeans (Sorry i've never seen her before, must be a character from a different series i played) - DOA
Tifa(long black hair) - Final Fantasy VII / Advent Children
Part two :
I think part two was waaaaaay nicer than part one haha, oh yeah, these are the new characters that got introduced :
By order of appearance:
Blonde hair girl with big swingy weapon (i dunno who that is, never seen her before either) -DOA
Rinoa(girl with wings holding the gunblade) - Final Fantasy VIII
Kairi (girl in red wielding the keyblade) - Kingdom Hearts 2, another series develope by the same company that made the FF series
During the middle of the fight Yuna took out some blue flask for Tifa to drink (looked abit like drunken fist to me) those are potions by the way, to restore health points and give the drinker some extra magic haha, just in case your wondering.
Anyway come to only post about these two videos, hope you guys liked it !! Ciaoz ~Hui Leng~
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Let's Commit The Perfect Crime, I will Steal Your Heart And You WIll Steal Mine =)
Well! So there u go! the pic! Form 4...And see how different we are right now~ I got to admit. Everyone grows more lengzhai and lenglui after graduation.. dunno why? well alrite i will go straight into details about wat im doin right now~ Basically.. Im kinda preparing my heart to get into UTAR for civil engineer... Bet you guys heard me wanna do Aircraft Maintenence Engineer. But Kinda sad la, MAS this year doesn't accept intake. SO bad malang la~ well So here i am! UTAR intake is on the 26MAy. So wat am i going to do~? I thought of going back to Ikea and continue workin. I can tell u the experience was awesome! But if so, i will be working one month+ only, and there's stufs coming up all the way.. So for now, i got three main focus. Marathon, Writing Songs, And Wait for scholarship result. Well, i did apply some scholarships like petronas, jpa, yayasan tenaga, sime darby, gamuda, uniten.. yea so kinda juz waiting for result now. And long time didn't write song edi. So far only 2 =.= sigh* and reason why i say marathon because there are 4 Events comin up! so baiscally these few months i will get my stamina shape!
Alrite, finish cakapin. So im going into Utar. on the other hand, i actually 'can say la' got local matriculation edi. just tat when i think the environment of Utar and local u.. duh? Utar rocks la. And i juz got 6k off for the foundation only =.= so little. 9As above got free! well but i know civil engineering got plenty of scholarships la..
alrite talking about drivin.. well...... I super slow la! Not me, it's the agency.. shake heads* Test suppose to be yesterday but they all postponed it to next next friday. geram betul ini! nvm la no hurry. intake so late. so the foundation year i will be driving there to SS13 Utar. first two years i wil go setapak by LRT. "can teman MingSee sit Lrt lor!" Then final two years wil be in kampar. Well, So tat's all i can say la.. sorry to spill so much.. ahhaa! im an expressionist so wat can u expect.. lol! I wont blog much in this blog btw.. cause got 4 blogs edi.. plus this one la.. haha!
Take Care u peepz! miss u all la! haha!
Behold Da Panda Butting In..XD
Bwahahahaha!!Ta-DA!!Yo everyone!!Been reading da blog and im feeling itchy 2 put 1 of my entries in.XD.Btw glad 2 c a class blog set up.
Yea....jus like Kean Lee said.I am studying in Sunway.I jus came bak frm NS(it wus fun especially da shooting XD if ani of u r wondering) a week ago and ive been rotting away in da i enrolled myself in Sunway U.Doin MUFY(aka Monash Uni Foundation Year) pre-u course and da subs i doin are Phy Chem Eng and M3.Wasnt interested in SAM or A lvls so i did dis.Started dis monday and on da 1st day i had 2 take sum weird placement test(4got all da add m3 stuff d and d and even got lost in da campus trying 2 find classroom CL 2.8 >< Da classroom number is sorta burned 2 my memory.
College is well kinda tiring and always making me more HUNGRY...RAWR!! and i havent totally recover frm da tiredness of deprived sleep thx 2 a certain Cikgu Hadi.Least now ken wake up later rather den da usual in da camp which is 5am. :P
Eversince i stuk in NS mua missed u guys alot if got free time or wat we all go out yum cha or sumtin like dat lar...k?XD
-dis is pandakenn,heading out-brshhhhh...!!!!XD
I’m aware that’s a lame topic title, thank you, and I don’t need reminders.
I’m GLAD that actually someone (Hui Fen) joined and instantly came up with a post!! Good job!! We love you!! We miss you!! Zzz
Quote from her post: [heey I think everyone should at least post up something to keep this blog active, (consistency!) if not it will soon be closed down]
Won't close down wann!! I assure you, even if I have to solo to keep this blog alive, I will!!
First and foremost, I would like to thank the School Principle, the honoured judges I would need the emails of “maywern, peifang, miss julia, mich” and “Hui Fen” to be updated under “Contact Us”.
Secondly, “maywern,peifang,miss julia,
Lastly, I would also need your blog/friendster links to be added under “Also, visit these pesky sites”.
Do be informed that your emails are revealed by default (by me) under “Contact Us” unless you wish to shield it otherwise, and for that, you’ll have got to tell me.
And, it’s only Thursday. Dreadful. I dislike Mondays to Thursdays. Nothing is worse than college life for me.
As for many of you would like to catch up a little about each other, I would begin a little of me from today, and then continued in the following posts.
I’m currently pursuing Australian Matriculation (Ausmat) in
For today!! Here goes a few jokes that I ‘diligently’ sourced from the net:
Joke 1:
The present prime minister of
"Don't worry," they told him. "When you meet
But as usual, Mori messed it up. When he met
A bit surprised,
And Mori replied, "Me too, ha ha ha...."
Long silence......
Joke 2 (mind the profanity):
A mother was working in the kitchen listening to her 5-year-old son playing with his new electric train in the living room. She heard the train stop and her son saying, "All of you sons of bitches who want off, get the hell off now...cause this is the last stop! And all of you sons of bitches who are getting on, get your asses in the train...cause we're going down thetracks."
The horrified mother went in and told her son, "We don't use that kind of language in this house. Now I want you to go to your room and you are to stay there for TWO HOURS. When you come out, you may play with your train...but I want you to use nice language."
Two hours later, the son came out of the bedroom and resumed playing with his train. Soon the train; stopped and the mother heard her son say..."All passengers, please remember your things, thank you and hope your trip was a pleasant one. We hope you will ride with us again soon." She heard her little darling continue..."For those of you just boarding, remember, there is nosmoking in the train. We hope you will have a pleasant and relaxing journey with us today."
As the mother began to smile, the child added, "For those of you who are pissed off about the TWO HOUR delay, please see the bitch in the kitchen...."
Joke 3:
Dear Lord,
I pray for Wisdom to understand my man;
Love to forgive him;
And Patience for his moods.
Because, Lord, if I pray for Strength,
I'll beat him to death.
Joke 4:
Everybody who has a dog calls him "Rover" or "Boy." I call mine Sex.
Now Sex has been very embarrassing to me. When I went to City Hall to renew his dog license, I told the clerk I would like to have a license for Sex.
He said, "I'd like to have one, too."
Then I said, "But this is a dog!"
He said he didn't care what she looked like.
Then I said, "But you don't understand. I've had Sex since I was nine years old."
He said I must have been quite a kid.
When I got married and went on my honeymoon, I took the dog with me. I told the motel clerk that I wanted a room for my wife and me and a special room for Sex. He said every room in the place was for Sex.
I said, "You don't understand. Sex keeps me awake at night!"
The clerk said, "Me too."
One day I entered Sex in a contest, but before the competition began, the dog ran away. Another contestant asked me why I was just standing there looking around. I told him I had planned to have Sex in the contest.
He told me I should have sold my own tickets.
"But you don't understand," I said, "I had hoped to have Sex on TV."
He called me a show-off.
When my wife and I separated, we went to court to fight custody of the dog. I said, "Your honor, I had Sex before I was married."
The judge said, "Me too."
Then I told him that after I was married, Sex left me.
He said, "Me too."
Last night Sex ran off again. I spent hours looking around town for him. A cop came over to me and asked, "What are you doing in this alley at 4:00 in the morning?"
I said, "I'm looking for Sex."
My case comes up Friday.
Enough jokes for today =D Hope you liked them, despite some might sound a little… off… haha, it’s jokes anyway.
I’ll be back to post up more!!
-Kean Lee-