Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I'm inspired by Sibeh Sian and Happy Office Boy. For those who get it, then we're so update than others sia ;)

Since Hui Leng has been bugging me to blog about something about myself, so today, I'm going to show you just a little something I do in college other than ogling at pretty girls.

And I don't know why I'm writing this at 1.05am.

I do calculus. *click to enlarge*

Being a diligent boy I am, I hardworkingly copied down what teacher wrote on the board :)

I dunno if this is the way calculus should be, but the teacher speaks English, but all I could understand is he saying, "If X equals..." and "If Y equals...". Other than that, I think he's chanting formulae after formulae from the formulae sheet.

then Y should be Sambal Bills bun for lunch

In every class I attend, he would be chanting some if X equals then Y equals and my hand would be copying what he wrote on the board, while I think of what to have for lunch after class. I can multitask. This is one skill I learnt while doing calculus :D!

Well, in the case that if he happens to walk pass by me, I would then crease my forehead, pretending to be in deep concentration. I dunno how it happened, but I managed to solve a question on my own while others have solved 6 questions after 2 hours sitting in class:
2 hours 1 question. Walau.

Like every other subject, Calculus has its good and bad points.

Good point: The teacher doesn't ask check or ask me to hand-in my uncompleted work.
Bad point: The teacher doesn't ask check or ask me to hand-in my uncompleted work.

I love calculus. :)

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