Friday, June 27, 2008

Uncle Bala

If i'm not mistaken, i remember there's a Friendster profile of him.

Found it. Click here.

His email, apparently also started in that (impersonated) profile of his, is

Found this just moments ago:

Uncle Bala Speaks

Video description: See Uncle Bala, SMKDJ's warden speaking. I dare anyone who can completely understand him and come up with a better translation!

Gotta love his dancing.

Unfortunately, never got to see him dance even once in my 5 years in DJ.

... have you??

Friday, June 20, 2008

new a really long time's been a long while since i've written a post here. I don't really have anything to write, but getting sick of seeing the same post day after day...(and no, I don't read the blog's just a figure of speech)


well, if anyone would care to know, I'm inching my way closer to the end of my first sem in IACT. It's been a fun 6 months and I'm eager to start the next sem. If anyone would like to hire a part-time graphic designer that has barely any experience please do call me...

yeah, if you would.


*ponders on what to write*

weeeelll...there's this thing about my assignments. I'm really having fun with it, especially Computer Graphics assignments...major fun. Not being sarcastic. And not being sarcastic about being sarcastic either. KL asked me to post some up on this blog, but I'm too kind to make you guys suffer. However, I am proud of my work, and I'll post them up on my blog as soon as I can.

So, with that said, cheerios!!!

Random quote: 'Only when the tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realise that we cannot eat money'
